Permanent Charter granted by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations1, at the Third World Conference, dated this 14th day of January in the 55th year of His Advent, Anno Domini 1981. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, out of His infinite Grace and Mercy sends blessings to all to whom this Permanent Charter shall be seen, showed, or read.
WHEREAS the Advent of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as declared by HIM is for the establishment of Sanathana Dharma.
AND WHEREAS this World Organisation is a Spiritual Organisation founded for the whole Mankind, not recognising any distinction or separateness on the basis of religion, caste, colour, or creed,
AND WHEREAS this Organisation takes within its fold persons belonging to all religions in order to establish unity of all faiths,
AND WHEREAS the purpose of this Organisation is to establish and promote the content of such Sanathana Dharma and also to establish the Sai Teaching of Oneness (Unity) as the essence of all religions.
AND WHEREAS the most fundamental object of this Organisation as laid down by Bhagawan is to “Awaken in Man the awareness of the Divinity INHERENT in him” by propagating through practice and example the basic principles of sathya (truth), dharma (righteousness), shanti (peace), prema (love) and ahimsa (nonviolence) set by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,
AND WHEREAS to experience this Divinity, mere environment and circumstances outside are not sufficient but a change in the minds of men is necessary,
AND WHEREAS the activities of the Organisation are only a means to the spiritual progress in this direction and which progress will ultimately enable everyone to enjoy inner peace notwithstanding the stresses and strains, the frustrations and sorrows, the defeats and successes, the ups and downs of life,
AND WHEREAS to achieve maximum results towards these objectives,